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Mentoring Initiative at PSG Tech Alumni Chennai Chapter for current students and alumni for a year-long mentorship that focuses on personal and professional development, as well as career and network building.

Most PSG mentors are based in the Chennai area, but we are trying to offer a number of remote mentoring opportunities for our PSG Students/Alumni. In both cases, the aim of the experience is to establish supportive mentoring relationships. 

How does Mentoring Program work?

Mentoring Process

What is expected from the Mentor?

Mentoring should be a structured dialogue where reflection is facilitated by the mentor.

The mentoring relationship should be based on trust, confidentiality, mutual respect and sensitivity.

The relationship should be based on agreed boundaries and ground rules that address the power differentials between the mentor and mentee.

Mentors should seek advice or assistance regarding sustaining and developing the mentoring interaction if needed.

The mentor should allow the mentee to drive the relationship and encourage them to take increasing responsibility for their own self-reflection and development. There should be no coercion or mentor agenda.

A mentor should help the mentee identify goals and challenges and set priorities for relevant personal growth.

Mentors should acknowledge the benefits they gain from the process of mentoring.

Mentors should seek to use supporting resources that facilitate and sustain the engagement of the mentee.

Roles and Characteristics of Mentor

Acts as an experienced role model.

Provides acceptance, encouragement, and moral support.

Provides wisdom, advice, counsel, coaching.

Acts as a sponsor in professional organizations, supports networking efforts.

Assists with the navigation of professional settings, institutions, structures, and politics

Facilitates professional development

Challenges and encourages appropriately to facilitate growth.

Provides nourishment, care, and protection.

Integrates professional support with other areas such as faith, family, and community.

Accepts assistance from mentee in mentor's professional responsibilities within appropriate limits.

Enjoy the opportunity to pass on their wisdom, knowledge and collaboration with early career professionals.

What is expected of the Mentee?

Invite your mentor to meet with you, suggest topics to discuss, and ask for what you need. Use email, phone, and time in person. 

Bring questions, confusion, concerns, and problems. Also bring successes, alternatives, and ideas. See your mentor as someone who can help you.

Meet as often as is appropriate. Scheduling in advance, spontaneity, and a combination are all fine—as long as they work with you both.

Be clear about what you need, and if an activity or suggestion is just not of interest, say so. Stick with learning, community, and work-life balance issues that are truly of interest to you.

Do not expect your mentor to know everything or be able to help in every situation. However, do check with your mentor early on if you need help.

Ask for information and, if appropriate, advice. Understand that any advice is not the last word, and may not be right for you. The more important a concern, the more important to weigh advice carefully and get second and third opinions.

Be open to discussions and constructive alternative ways to handle teaching and professional responsibilities.

Elicit a mentor’s help in developing other informal supportive relationships.

Be honest about any minor concerns regarding the mentoring relationship. If things are just not working, face the facts and follow a “no fault” separation policy if the mentoring year is not over; you can get a new mentor or just use informal support.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are students/professionals selected for the mentoring program?

All interested students/professionals are invited to apply on the PSG Tech Alumni Association Chennai Chapter website. The applicant must complete an application and be reviewed before being selected for the program.

If I sign up to become a mentor and follow through with all of the necessary requirements, does that guarantee that I will be matched with a student?

No. After interviewing and reviewing your application, you may look for any mentee that is looking for advice from your area of expertise, then you will only be allocated a mentee. 

I travel occasionally with my job and always take an annual summer vacation. Can I still be a mentor?

Yes. As long as during your absence you are sure to contact your mentee, you can still be a mentor. Mentors can contact their students in a variety of ways – through the mail, email, and of course, the telephone.

What if my mentee shares confidential information with me that I feel unprepared to handle on my own?

Mentors must share this information with the PSG Tech Alumni Association immediately. Mentors are not expected to take on the role of, counselor, or social worker. The alumni association will advise the mentor on how to proceed.

More Details 

Please contact us and we would be glad to share more details and information about Mentor Program. 

Mentoring Committee

+91 98844 40420

Mentoring Committee

+91 98412 60978